Pancha Prana Shuddhi

Pancha Prana Shuddhi is an ancient concept developed by Sri PremNath blending Siddha Vaidyam with Kayakalpa chikiltsa (traditional rejuvenation treatment). Deva Vidya is dedicated to this form of blending mind and body together to sideline senility.


The principle of Pancha Prana Shuddhi is that good health stems from a correct balance of different energies and harmony with the outside world. As a medical system it is holistic, and through remedies exist for special problems, they are varied according to the person.

“Pancha Prana Shuddhi” is resorted to remove pre-mature senility / deformation due to life style, heredity or accident.

Marma Therapy

Deva Vidya Varmam Centre
Varmam CentreDeva Vidya Gurukulam

Since this is a very dangerous type of application the guru used to teach this only to those disciples who are noble and trust worthy. Marma chikilsa is also a complete naturalistic healing system to rejuvenate the body by eliminating toxic imbalances to restore resistance and good health in the highly stressful environment of modern times.

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